Sandra Marchegiano | Someone stole her image, but she wants profits to go to hospitals
She became very popular in Italy for her "So condenda pe fa sta sfilata" that means a funny way to say "I'm glad to do this beauty pageant". But she became popular something like 25 years later, in fact today she's a very famous meme. She's Sandra Marchegiano and participated to "Miss Italia in the World" in 1992. Who is Sandra Marchegiano? In web 2.0 and web 3.0 times, people can unawares get popular. One day your face with the "impact" font goes to a meme site and the day after people come to find you because you're a myth. This is what happened to Sandra Marchegiano, daughter of Italian immigrants. One day her beautiful face framed by ringlets and star-shaped earrings became the symbol of Italian- American people, blending in a funny way Italian dialect and her American language. Today everyone wants to hear it. Moreover, this caught the attention of famous Italian people too, like Frank Matano. Something that surprised many people was: after 28 years…